Plan miasta Lower Sketty

Lower Sketty - Najnowsze wiadomości:

England v New Zealand - live!

"Currently in a hotel in Stavanger. Can only conclude that Edvard Munch painted The Scream based on the face of someone who had just seen their bar bill." Or, better still, you could have a palindromic name. Nesreteip Eve Pietersen. ...
źródło: BlogSearch


``Price trends at the blow/b end of the market have been positive, absolutely,'' said Chris Vlad, president of Alpha One Real bEstate/b, a Hollywood-based appraisal company that mainly works for lenders. ``If you move into the higher price ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Sketty Park

The spread of mid-20th century housing bestates/b has obliterated all but a few traces. The most significant of the villas was Sketty Park House, built c. 1810 for the Morris family from the materials of Clasemont (1775), Sir John Morris ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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